Oh Squeaky Toy, Oh Squeaky Toy Where Art Thou?

Photo by Lum3n.com on Pexels.com

Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of such things God’s wrath comes on those who are disobedient. Ephesians 5:6

Every morning my pets follow me from room to room as I prepare for work.  The cat, Cleo is always on the high ground and the dogs, Emma and Bryan are always laying in the doorway.  As I move from bath to bedroom they follow waiting patiently for their morning sustenance. However, this morning was a bit different.  As I dressed I heard the familiar sound of one of the squeaky toys. I took a silent roll call of my pets and all were accounted. Equally alerted, each pet glanced at one another with ears at attention.  The squeak again pierced the early morning and in a cacophony of barking Emma and Bryan dashed down the stairs. They sounded like thunder. I and Cleo followed behind. Standing at the base of the stairs the cat and I watched as the canines sniffed and barked searching in the darkness for the elusive squeak.  I flipped on the light and the squeak erupted again followed by renewed barking. Across the room, I spied Miss Dixie, our grey parrot. She leaned close to the cage bars and delivered a perfect imitation of the squeaky toy. This sound put both dogs into a renewed frenzy as they searched fruitlessly for their toys.  I admit I was amused. I found the toys and dropped them on the floor. Relieved, each pooch found a corner to blissfully chew.  

Driving to work I thought about the dogs and their fruitless search for the toys.  I thought about how easily they had been deceived. Subsequently, I thought about how often I had been deceived and I venture a bit further to submit that you have been too.  Our enemy is bent on bringing destruction to every Christian’s life and how better than through deception and lies. Just like the bird enjoyed tricking the dogs into looking for something that was not there, Satan enjoys confusing us and distorting the truth.  

Do not allow yourself to be deceived.  Seek the Lord in all things. Use His Word as your guide in decision making and pursuits.

Typist for Jesus.

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